The decor is great, I tell you, the antique furniture alone is worth it! And the young girls are bitches. Not only do they walk around half-naked, they've even tripped Grandpa. For such behavior, they should both be fucked in the anus. It's a pity the fat old man didn't have the strength to do it!
Møge 14 days ago
ugh, fuck, the end killed it.))
Guest? Yeah. 7 days ago
Doesn't anyone feel embarrassed by a girl on the phone?
The decor is great, I tell you, the antique furniture alone is worth it! And the young girls are bitches. Not only do they walk around half-naked, they've even tripped Grandpa. For such behavior, they should both be fucked in the anus. It's a pity the fat old man didn't have the strength to do it!